Penny is not only making a splash in the neighborhood she IS a splash – who knew?  I was doing a little googling the other morning while drinking coffee and contemplating  the tasks I would try to avoid doing that day when I discovered some interesting facts about Penny.

Aside from her face Penny has more in common coloring wise with a Holstein cow than other Bostons – she is splotched and freckled and adorable but not traditional or, as it turns out, welcome in a show ring.  Penny’s coloring makes her a Splash Boston – a throwback to the early days of her breed’s development.  Penny also sports a black dot in the middle of her blaze which is called a Haggerty spot (or an Angel’s Kiss) and is another throwback to the Boston’s beginnings.

It seems Penny is a young dog dressed in vintage clothes and not even remotely related to a Holstein cow. She is a nod to her ancestors and kissed by an angel. (My granddaughters think Penny’s Haggerty spot looks like a heart). 

Angel kisses aside Penny is still a devil in disguise when out for a walk. I don’t know where she picked up her language – it’s shocking.  I find myself apologizing for her behavior before she starts her show (once the curtain rises it’s hard to be heard over the performance).  Most people are at least understanding if I have time to give them the Cole’s notes on where she’s come from but most don’t hang around long enough to learn she’s actually a lot better at the meet and greet thing than she was a month (or a week) ago.

One thing we’ve really made some progress on is her weight – I’m a pro when it comes to packing on the pounds – I’ve had to expand the belt on her harness twice.  She’s amassed a nice collection of toys and laid claim to my t.v. watching chair.  She has made herself right at home – which is good because she finally is.

Categories: Paw Prints
Tags: #Penny
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