I’ve been dotting ‘i’s and crossing ‘t’s for the past few weeks – reading and re-reading, revising and reworking – until my eyes have felt as crossed as those ‘t’s. There is a point in every project where the creator of the project has to let it go.
“Done is better than perfect.” Elizabeth Gilbert said during her keynote address at a conference I was attending a few years ago. I took the message to heart – If we strive for perfection nothing will ever be done.
So I’m done. It’s not perfect but the Storyworth project I’ve been working on for a year and half is as good as I can make it and I’ve set it free.
I titled the book A STORY TOLD and sent it off to the production team at Storyworth where all my effort was printed, bound and shipped back to me in short order. Holding the book in my hand gave me goosebumps – I sat down to read it like a reader not a writer and noticed my first typo on page three…. alas – done but not perfect.
I’ve since fixed what I hope are most of the mistakes and re-formatted the manuscript for publication on Amazon – a cheeky way of offering my family a less expensive paperback version of the story.
For those interested here is the link to the book: